Sunday, 22 January 2012



(source; Darlong Eng, june issue-2006 by Pu.Siamkunga Darlong)
1. Darlong phaia biak-in hmasa chem(kum); Saidara khokawl(1920).
2. Kristmas hmang hmasak chem(kum); 1922.
3. Puitlinga biak-in bawl hmasa chem; Darchawi khua a.(1924)
4. Darlong phaia koihran upa hmasa chem; upa. Renga(1926, pu.siamkunga pu)
5. Darlong phaia Pastor hmasa chem; Pastor Zatuahdinga(1939)
6. Trained pastor hmasa chem; Rev. Lalhuala(1955)
7. Darlong phaia B.D. hmasa chem; Rev. Lalrema(1976)
8 Darlong phaia inzirna sikul nei tan kum; 1926
9. Hnam inzomkhawm anloi tan kum; 1935.
10. Young Darlong Association(Y.D.A) tungding tan kum; 1940.
11. Darlong phaia Lal thuneina atawp kum; 1952.
12. Darlong phaia zirtirtu hmasa chem hei; ztu.tuangura, ztu.v.kunga, ztu.zatuahdinga, ztu.hmuna.
13. Darlong phaia matric pass hmasa chem; pu.k.hrengngura
14. Darlong phaia B.A. pass hmasa chem; Pu. Lalrema(1969)
15. Darlong phaia B.Com pass hmasa chem; pu. H.t. khuma.
16. Darlong phaia B.Sc pass hmasa chem; Pu. Saithankhuma(1973)
17. Nupang higher secondary pass hmasa chem; Pi. Lalsangi(1967)
18. Nupang B.A. pass hmasa chem hei; Pi.Ziakhampuii, Pi. Roihuali, Miss. Lalmawii.(1986)
19. Darlong phaia M.Sc hmasa chem; Pu. V.Thansanga(1980)
20. Darlong phaia M.A. hmasa chem; Pu. R.Dingliana(1982)
21. Darlong phaia M.Com hmasa chem; Pu.Laihlia(1984)
22. Sorkar thoktu hmasa chem; Pu. Johana(1951)
23. Darlong tonga lekhabu hmasa chem; Abul bu(1952, pu.johana isiam)
24. Darlong phaia kristian hla phua hmasa chem; Pu. Ngurkunga(1963)
25. Tripura Civil Service(T.C.S) pass hmasa chem; Pu.Lalhmingliana(1975)
26. Indian Foreign Service(I.F.S) hmasa chem; Pu.k.thanglura(1988)
27. Indian Administrative Service (I.A.S) hmasa chem; Pu.Laihlia(2001)
28. M.B.B.S. (Doctor) hmasa chem; Pu.(Dr). Neituasanga(1982)
29. Nupang M.A.pass hmasa chem; Pi. Nempuii(2000)
30. Nupang T.C.S hmasa chem; Pi.Nempuii(2003)
31. B.Tech (Engineer) hmasa chem; Pu. Huanhneliana(2002)
32. Darlong christian golden jubilee hmang kum; Jan 23, 1969.
33. Darlong christian Diamond Jubilee hmang kum; 1994.
34. Rangva in bawl hmasa chem; Pu.Tuahnila (1962, Darchawi)
35. Talung in bawl hmasa chem; Pu. L.Rema(1972, kanchon)
36. Motor(jeep) nei hmasa chem; Pu. Tuahnila(1962, Darchawi)
37. Bicycle nei hmasa chem; Pu.Lalhuala (1956)
38. Motocycle nei hmasa chem; Pu.H.t.khuma(1977, Darchawi), pu.L.N.Rokhum(1977, Darchawi)
39. T.V. nei hmasa chem; Pu.Saithankhuma(1985)
40. Darlong phaia khua lian chem; Darchawi.
41. Darlong khua ah electicity dong tan; december 24,1980 zan.
42. Darlong hnam laia National games a Gold medalist hmasa chem; Pu.Hnamsiama(100 m sprint, 1978)
43. Scientist hmasa chem; Dr.V.Thansanga(1984)
44. Darlong phaia nupang sorkar thoktu hmasa chem; Pi.vangtuahliani(SEW, 1962)
45. Nurse training a kal hmasa chem hei;Pi Ngursawmdingi, Pi.Laihranluti(Darchawi)nih Pi.Neituadingi(sertlang), 1940
46. Darlong phaia cassette a hla khuma zai hmasa chem hei; Pu.zaithanga(saibual) nih Nk.Zarmawii(New katol)
47. Sap-ram(New zealand a) inzin hmasa chem; Rev.Lalhuala(1970)
48. Rome &Brazil rama inzin hmasa chem; Rev.Ngurpuii (1986)
49. Darlong phaia high school hmasa chem; Darchawi christian high school, 1974.(atun darchawi christian higher secondary school)
50. Darlong phaia khua ulian chem; Boitang khua(1900 AD).
51. Darlong phaia koihran omzat (intan kum); Baptist koihran(1943), Roman Catholic(1943), UPC(1969), EFCI(1976), Presbyterian(1994), KCC(1999).
52. Nupang Engineer hmasa chem.; Nk.Hruaisangi(civil engr., saibual)

*** Lan belsap tirchanga ti.

Chronology of Zo (Chin-Kuki-Mizo-Darlong) History

The followings are the Chronology of Zo History. Zo includes Chin-Kuki-Mizo people living in India (Mizoram, Manipur, Assam, Tripura), Myanmar (Chin state, Rakhine, Matupi state, etc) and Bangladesh (Chittagong Hill Tracts).

220 – 207 BC – Sinlung (China) settlement
200 – Migration From Sinlung (China)
98 – Shan (Myanmar) settlement
400 AD – Luopui Thiek Planted the famous Bungpui tree at the central part of Shan (Myanmar)
410 – Migration from Shan (Myanmar)
1203 – Hmars’ Migration to Mizoram
1228 – Age of Lalruong and Dawikungpui
1250 – Ancestors planted Khampat Bung (Myanmar)
1264 – Age of Tuoni and Neilal
1264 – Takam Chakma and Hmar Guerilla war.
1500-1600 – Sattlement at Lentlang.
1700 – The Hmars had settled down in Assam well before this time.
1700-1750 – The Luseis migrated en masse from Upper region
1765 – Lusei Chief Sibuta and Lalsavunga borned.
1770-1780 – The Raltes migrated en masse. Mizo Warrior Vanapa born
1780 – Hmar’s Migration to Manipur
1782 – Zo hero Vanapa died.
1825 – Zo hero Bengkhuaia born at Sailam, Mizoram
1830 – The Mizos invaded Sylhet and captured many slaves
1840 – Lalsavunga died. Sibuta also died and was replaced by Lalrihua
1843 – Vanpuilala born at Sentlang
1844 – Lalrihua died and was replaced by his son Lalsuthlaa- Captain Black Wood captured Lalsuthlaa (Dec.9) and detained him at Hajaribagh Jail.
1848 – Lalbura (Chief) born at Vancheng village
1850 – Delegates of Suakpuilala and Vuttaia Compromised with Superintendent G.Verner at Silchar (Oct.)
1856 -59 – South and North First War (L&H).
1861 – The Age of Tuoltes
1861-62 – The First Mautam (Bamboo flowering-famine)- Mizo pasaltha (warriors) invaded Adampur and three other villages.
1863 – The heaviest period of Mautam (famine)
1864 – Suakpuilala and his Warriors invaded Monierkhal
1865 – The first Peace Talks between the Mizos and British Lt.ColonelT.H.Lewin held
1866 – Rothangpuia and Tom Lewin singned an MoU
1867 – Suakpuilala and Vanpuilala invaded Manipur and Teperah (present Tripura)
1869 – Vanpuilala’s warriors attacked the Meiteis at Senvon and its outskirts
- The same year Vanpuilala died
1870 – Famous Zo Chief Vanhnuailiana died.- A War between the West and the East broke out.
1871 – Winchester, the Manager of Alexandrapur Tea Estate killed
by some Zo guerrillas and his daughter Mary Winchester being kidnapped from Assam (Jan. 21)
1871 – The first invasion/colonisation by the British India.(Mizoram)
1871 – The first war between British and Hmar.
- Mizo warrior Lalbura and his party invaded Monierkhal (Jan. 26)
- By November the Hindus hit back and the “Vailian” began
1872 – Mary Winchester being freed (rescued)
1872 – The first batch of Indian Army reached Champhai.
- The Hindu invaders reached Champhai, stronghold of Vanhnuailiana
1873 – The first three Markets or Bazaar in Mizoram set-up at Changril,
Sanai and Tipaimukh (now Manipur)
1874 – Mizo chief Suakpuilala and Cachar’s Dy. Commissioner, McWilliams
Signed a non-invasion pact/treaty. (Mar. 28)
1875 – Thingtam or famine of trees /dying off or down of certain trees.
- The first Notification of Inner Line Permit made
1876 – The great (terrible) cyclone, great warrior Vuta died.
1877 – The war of the East and West
1879 – Bengkhuaia died
1880 – The Thing Tam / dying down or off of certain trees continues.
- Mizo great chief Suakpuilala died
1880-1882 – The second South and North War (L&R).
1882 – Comet sighted
- Mizo great warrior Taitesena born
1883 – Rangamati and Silchar invaded by Mizo warriors led by Lalchheua
1887 – The second Indian Invasion.
- Lianphunga and his warriors invaded Tuikuk
1888 – Pakuma Rana colony invaded by Lungliana and Nikhama’s warrior ;
Killed 21 Persons including the Rani and took into captive 13
others. (Dec.13)
1889 – The English missionary William Pettigrew entered Manipur.
- About 600 villagers from Lianphunga and Zahrawka villages
invaded Chitagong (Jan.8)
- The Second Hindu Invasion began
1890 – Aizawl fell under the British.- Captain Brown killed by Kalkhama and friends (Sept. 9)
1891 – The British began colonising Lushai Hills.
1891 – William Pettigrew and his wife entered Manipur.
- The Asst. Political Officer Mr. J.Shakespeare began his work/appointment (April 16)
1892 – The Mizos invaded Aizawl Fort.- The Hindu burned Khawruhlian Village
- Dokula being arrested
1893 – The British set-up Fort at Serchhip
1894 – The great woman warrior of the Mizo, Queen Ropuiliani being captured
- Rev. F.W. Savidge and L.H. Lorraine introduced
Mizo A, AW, B. (ABC)
1895 – A mission school set up at Ukhrul (Manipur) and six Kukis were converted
into christian. They were the first convertees among the tribals in Manipur.
1896 – The DCs of North Lushai Hills, South Lushai Hills and
Chin Hills have a conference at Lunglei (Dec.14-18)
1897 – The Presbyterain Church of Mizoram founded.
- The North and South Lushai Hills came under one administration
- The first police station constructed at Aizawl
1898 – Aizawl was made the capital of Mizoram.
The first survey done in Mizoram
The first converted Christian from Manmasi of Mizo`s Viz, Khuma Hmar and Khara Khasi.
Mizoram included in Assam state.
- The Inner Lines Regulation Act, 1873 came into force at Lushai Hills.
1899 – The first District Jail built at Aizawl
- The first telephone line set-up
1900 – Queen Elizbeth`s memorial stone laid. - The first post office set-up
1901 – The first census in Mizoram.
1902 – A Circle Interpreter appointed or commissioned.
The first Mizo newspaper “Mizo leh Vai” published.
- The Mizo chiefs alongwith J.Shakespeare meet the viceroy at Sikha village
1903. – Mizo Warrior Taitesena died.
1904 – Cachar Hill Tribe Synod founded/ established
- Western songs invaded Mizoram
1905 – Orange Cultivation Started
1906 – “Father of Hmar Literature” Dr. Thanglung born at Senvon, Manipur.
1907 – Independent Church of Maraland Founded.
- Puma’s songs invaded Mizoram
1908 – The first Hospital Set-up by the Welsh Mission at Pi Zaii’s Bangla
1910 – Abolition of slavery in Mizo society by Dr. Fraser (in Aizawl)
Evangelical Congregational Church of India (ECCI) founded in Manipur (May 7) Evangelical Assembly Church (EAC, NEIGM) founded in Manipur (May 7).
1910 – The Gospel reached Senvon, Manipur South brought by Watkin Roberts. The first convertee in Manipur south.
1910 – In Manipur south District (Tipaimukh) the number of converted Christian reached the 7,000 mark, Christianity spread wider.
- Aizawl bazaar set-up/came into being
1911 – The Second Mautam (bamboo flowering)
- The first Printing Press setup in Mizoram
1912 – The first Drama shown in Mizoram
- The great Mizo Chief Kairuma died at Biete Village
1914 – The First World War began.
1916 – The Banyan tree (Khampat Bungpui) branches touched the earth/soil.
1916-17 – The Salvation Army established.
1917 – 200 Mizos joined the Second World War in France
1918 – The First World War ended.
- Mizoram troops of the Second World War returned
1918 – The first copy of the New Testament in Mizo (Lushai)
1919 – The Great Plague hit Mizoram
1921 – The Gospel of John translated in Hmar.
- The Great Composer of Mizo Songs Mr.Saikuti died
1922 – The first Mizo Gospel song (orginal) composed
1923 – Pastor Thangngur composed his first Gospel song (hymn)
“Nunna Thianghlim Siamtu An Duh Loh Zionah”.
- The Zoram Presbytery divided into three regions
1924 – The English Missionaries settle at Durtlang
1925 – The first Roman Catholic Church in Mizoram founded
- Rev. F.J.Sande died at Durtlang
1927 – The first state wide competition in Mizoram.
Rev. (Dr) Rochunga Pudaite, founder of EFCI, born at Phulpui, Manipur (December)
- The First Scout set-up (July)
1928 – The first Hmar Subject (Buhmasa) published.
- The Mizo Zaipawl (choir) visited Sylhet
1929 – The Second thing tam.(dying off or down of trees)
1930 – The Independent Church (IC) came into being at Pherzawl The first conference under the leadership of field
Superintendent Mr. Lalnghinglova (April 6)
- Mizoram had the first Christian Cemetry.
1931 – The Fourth General Census of Mizoram
1932 – The Zakaia Pawl established
1933 – Boundary of Mizoram and Cachar re-checked, and amended
- The Great Mizo chief Lalbura died at Vancheng Village
1934 – Hmar Association came into being.
1935 – The young Lushai Association (YLA) Founded in June 15. It was changed into Young Mizo Association (YMA) in Oct. 1974.
- Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) founded.
- Zillai (Vaiphei Student Association) Manipur founded.
- The Vaiphei People Council set up.
1936 – The first batch of Nurse Training. 12 persons attended
1938 – The Practice of Zawlbuk abolished.
1939 – The Hmar Student Association, Gen. Hqrs. Manipur came into being. HQ at Churachandpur.
The Mizo Chiefs set up a council.
The Second World War started.
- The first cottage Industry set-up
1941 – The first Hmar daily Newspaper “Hmasawnna” came into being.
1942 – Dr Hmar Tlawmte (HT) Sangliana born at Kulikawn, Aizawl, Mizoram.
- The Aizawl-Silchar track made motorable
1944 – Govt. Recognised the Nursing Institute
1945 – The Second World War ended.
The Hmar Literature Society founded on September 25.
- The first political party in Mizoram, Mizo Union came into being
1946 – The Seventh Day Adventis, Mizoram founded.
The Hmar New Testament released.
Mizo Hmeichhe Tangrual Pawl (MHTP) founded (Changed into Mizo Hmeichhe Insuikhawm Pawl (MHIP) on June 6, 1947.)
- Mizoram Govt. Service created (July 14)
- The first assembly of the Mizo Union held (Sept.24)
1947 – The Three Pace Dance (Pen Thum Lam) born or introduced
The Hmar Trading Company founded.
India became free (Independent)
- The Lushai Hills made a permanent district. of Assam, (July 18)
- United Freedom Organization set-up
1948 – The Mizo Union Movement started.
The Paite speaking people founded the Evangelical Conventional Church (ECC) at Pherzawl, Manipur and later changed its name to Evangelical Babtist Church (EBC) HQ at Churachandpur.
- Advisory Council elected
1949 – The Paite Tribe Council (PTC) founded on June 27.
The Manipur Gam Presbyterian founded at Saikot, Churachandpur, Manipur by the Zou people in March.
1948-50 – The United Penticostal Church, Mizoram founded.
1950 – The Aizawl-Lunglei Road made Jeepable
India became Republic.
1951 – Advisory Council abolished
1952 – The Aizawl Administrator changed into a Deputy Commissioner.
The Evangelical Church Association (ECA) came into being at Saikot conference of the NEIGM.
- The District Council Set-up (April 15)
- The first election of Dist. Council members (January 3-4)
1953. – The first Mizo MBBS Mr. Tlanglawma of Aizawl became the first Mizo Doctor.
Manipur Christian Organisation (MCO) founded on 13th December. Later changed into Evangelical Organisation Church (ECO), Churachandpur.
The Young Paite Association (YPA) founded on 3rd March.
The first visit of Mizoram by the Prime Minister.
The Pawi-Lakher Regional Council established.
The UPC Sub-Headquarters set up at Rawvakawt, Manipur.
The Aizawl – Lunglei Jeepable Road inaugurated by Prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 3rd. April.
1954 – Abolition of the Mizo Chiefs.
The Hmar National Congress (HNC) founded and later changed into Hmar National Union (HNU) on August 14.
The United Zomi Oraganisation (UZO) founded on 23rd May, Churachandpur, Manipur.
The Zou Literature Society (ZLS) founded in Churachandpur.
The Dist. Council court set up in Mizoram.
The Village Council set up in Mizoram. The Lushai Hills changed into Mizo District.
1954 – The Hmar Bible Translation Committee is set-up
1955 – Mary Winchester died at the age of 99
1956 – Upa Lengkhawm Pawl was born and later changed
its name to Zoram Upa Pawl in Jan. 4, 1961.
- The Kristien Hlabu (Hymnal Songs Book) merged with
the Tonic – solfa.
- When the Mizo Union was granted a District and named it as “Lushai Dist.” The Hmars who took the initiative part were neglected. The Hmar National Union (HNU) was born at Senvon on December 12 as a result.
- The Zoumi Sangnaupang Pawlpi (ZSP) came into being.
1957 – The Second election of Mizo Dist. Council (Jan. 25)
1958 – The Kuki Baptist Convention was born.
- The Synod press installed
1959 – The Hmar National Union (HNU) extended in Cachar, Assam.
- The Holy Bible translated into Mizo. - The first Gospel track in Mizo (Aug.6)
1960 – The first Zoram Presbyterian Women’s Conference held (March 25-27)
- The 3rd Mautam.
1961 – The Mizo National Front (MNF) was born.
- The Jehova Witness born in Mizoram.
- The Chin Baptist Association, Manipur was born
1962 – The Assembly Church of God (AG) was born at Saidan.
1962 – The 3rd General Election in Mizoram.
- China invaded India.
- Independent Church changed into I.C.I.
- Dr. Thanglung, Father of Hmar Literature, died.(Mar. 31)
1963 – The Lairam Maicham (Israel) born in Mizoram.
- The Kuki Students Organisation (KSO) born in Manipur.
- The Hmar Arts and Cultural Society (HACS) born
in Manipur.
- Assam’s MLA election held. (April 23)
1964 – The first Mizo Woman to pass the MBBS; Ms. Lalengi
Khiangte of Lunglei, Mizoram.
- The Assembly of God Church set-up
1966 – The MNF Movement began in.Mizoram.
- The Pathian Fatir Kohran Set-up in Mizoram.
- Mizoram declared a disturbed area (Mar. 6)
1966 – The Zion Church of God( Israel) founded in Mizoram.
1967 – The Church of God, Mizoram founded.
- Village reorganization because of Disturbed Area Act.
1968 – The Mizo Literature Society, Manipur founded.
1968 – The first Hmar Holy Bible published.
- Institution for Women to learn the Gospel opened
1969 – The World-Wide Church of God,
- Mizoram founded/established.
- The first Competition of the Mizo Choirs. The competition was held at all the Synod presbytery
1970 – The Vaiphei Literature Society founded.
- The fourth Mizo Dist. Council election held. (Apr. 18)
1971 – The Isua Krista Kohhran (Red Cross), Mizoram Set-up.
- The Isua Krista Kohhran (White Cross), Mizoram Set-up
- The North Eastern Re-Organisation Act Passed.
1972 – The Evangelical Free Church of India (EFCI) started
to bear its name, June 3.
1972 – The Thlarau Bo Zawng Pawl founded in Mizoram.
- Mizoram became a Union Territory.
- The first flight in Mizoram.
- Mizoram State Legislative Assembly Set-up.
- The first MP (Member of Parliament’s) election (Feb.18)
1974 – The Jehova Jire Pathian Chhungte founded in Mizoram.
1975 – The Susan Kohran (The Temadianism) founded
in Mizoram.
1976 – The Pawl Lo Pawl set-up in Mizoram.
1977 – The Hmar People’s Federation set-up.
- The First Town Bus in Mizoram started plying.
- The Church of Faith (Rinna Kohran) founded in Mizoram.
1978 – The Lalchhungkua founded in Mizoram.
1979 – The Reformed Presbytrian Church (RPC)NEI
Set-up (March 13).
1980 – The Manipur University established.
1981 – The first exam of Hrangbana Commerce College.
1981 – The Pawiram Baptist Church Set-up / founded in Mizoram.
- Digging of the Bairabi Rail lines began.
- The Abraham Thuthlung Pawl founded in Mizoram.
- The Bairabi Rail line inaugurated.
1982 – The Serlui Micro Hydel Power Project foundation stone
laid by Brig.T.Sailo.
- The Mizo Youth of America founded.
- The Hmar Christian Musical Society founded (July 14.)
- The Foursquare Church Set-up in Mizoram.
- Fundamental Babtist Church founded in Mizoram.
1983 – The Zomi Youth Organisation (ZYO) founded.
- The Mission for Christ founded in Mizoram.
1984 – The Loktak Project began to operate.
- The Mizo People’s Convention, Manipur founded (Jan 14.)
1985 – TheYoung Vaiphei Association, Manipur
established (Aug.22).
- Construction of Tuirial Air-field began (May 20.)
- The Hmar Youth Association established (March 7.)
- The Manmasi Welfare Society Set-up.
1985 – The Nunna Lalchhungkua founded in Mizoram.
1986 – The MNF Volunteers returned from Jungle life (June 30.)
- The first flight from Tuirial – Calcutta (Kolkata.)
- The Hmar People’s Convention (HPC) born
(July 19.)
1987 – Mizoram became a State ( Feb.20)
- The Weslyan Methodist Church of North East India
set-up by Rev. Dr. Lalkhawlien.
- The Mizo Kohhran founded in Mizoram ( May 3.)
- The Messianic Israel Zionist Organisation
Set-up in Mizoram.
1987 – The Penticostal Reformed Church founded in Mizoram.
1988 – The heaviest rainfall in Mizoram.
- The Zo-Reunification Organisation (ZORO) founded.
- The Hmar Women’s Association founded (June 3.)
- The Delhi Hmar Christian Fellowship founded (Sept. 4.)
- The Kuki Khanglai Lawmpi founded (April 4.)
- The first Mizoram Chief Minister Ch. Chhunga died
(Aug. 24)
- Hmar People Conference set-up at Aizawl
1989 – Tipaimukh Dam Construction began.
- The Hmar language allowed as MIL Subject by
the Manipur Board of Secondary Education (BSEM) for Cl-X.
- Second Mizoram State Legislative Assembly election
1990 – MNF Founder President Mr. Laldenga died in
London (July 30.)
- The Manipur First Railways line, Jiribam- Silchar opened.
- All the Churches at Thenmuol merged and formed
The Local Church. First Pastor was Hmangdolien
Zote (Nov.16.)
1991 – Mizoram MP (Lok Sabha) election held
- Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassinated (May 21)
1992 – The first Hmar daily newspaper of National Standard
Size (print) SHAN DAILY Published.
- The great land-slides in Mizoram
1993 – Election to the 3rd Mizoram State Assembly held
- The Hmar People’s Convention (HPC) Movement’s
Golden period. Negotiations held at Aizawl.
1994 – The Mizoram Govt. and HPC signed an Accord ( July 27).
The same year HPC came over-ground.
- Sinlung Hills Development Council (SHDC) born
in Mizoram.
- HPC Volunteers returned Home
1995 – The Hmar Artists’ Association (HAA) set-up (Jan.9.)
- Mizoram declared a “dry-state” for the first time
1996 – Mizoram MP elections held
- MZP organized a Long-March from Aizawl to
Chawngte, walked on foot
- The Hmar Writers’ Association (HWA) founded (April 8.)
1997 – The Kuki-Paite Conflict (June 20.) broke out
. – The Zomi Council Set-up.
- The Hmar Christian Leaders’ Forum established.
- The Guwahati Hmar Welfare Association
set-up/founded (Feb.22.)
1998 – The MNF Manipur Sub-Hqr. set-up.
- The Hmar Inpui (Supreme House) set-up.
- Mizoram Assembly election held. (Fourth elections)
- Mizoram MP elections held (Feb.23)
1999 – The Indigenous Tribal Leaders Council
(ITLC) founded,Churachandpur, Manipur
- Mizoram MP elections held again (Sept. 25)
2000 – The Council of Higher Secondary Education
Manipur (CHSEM) allowed Hmar as MIL Subject
for Cl.-XII.
- The Second Hmar daily news National Standard size, “The Churachandpur Times” Published.
- Millenium Celebrated with great pomp and show.
2001 – Thadou-Kuki Students Union (TKSU) Set-up. (April 17.)
- The 8th Asssembly election to the Manipur
State Legislative
2002 – Manipur Academic Council
allowed Hmar Vernacular (MIL) at the
Graduate (BA) level.
- Revival in Mizoram, Speaker Lalfakawma
(Faktea) becomes very popular
- The largest Churches of the Hmars, the Independent
Church of India (ICI) and the Evangelical Free Church of India (EFCI) for the first time since separation meet at Sielmat and discussed about merger.
2003 – Hmar subject included in the Graduate (MIL) of 2003-04
academic Session.
- The 5th Mizoram State Legislative Assembly election
held (Nov. 20)
2003 – Hmar-Dimasa Conflict erupted in Assam.
- Hmar refugees reached Mizoram and Manipur. (The first phase of the Hmar refugees.)
2004 – The first phase of Hmar refugees returned
- The first Convocation of the Mizoram University
held. 314 persons were conferred Degree and 5 others conferred a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) President APJ Abudul Kalam Visited the University.
2005 – The Manmasi Year Book (Vol. 1) first issue released by
Prof. L.Fimate, Director, RIMS, at Rengkai Community hall.
- A Faith Healing Ministry conducted by Rev.
Father Mathew of the Roman Catholic, Kerala and
Dr. La Donna, Osborn Global Ministry, USA in
Mizoram where thousands were reported as healed.
- YMA declared “Ruihhlo Do Kum”
- The First State Level SIKPUIRUOI festival held at
Saikot, Churachandpur.
2006 – The Hmar refugees to SHDC, Mizoram
due to UNLF’s attrocities in Tipaimukh Sub-division.
- The Mizo People’s Forum Set-up in Mizoram as a
Common plateform for the Zo-Hnathlaks.
- The Hmar refugees returned from Mizoram to Manipur.
- The Army Chief J.J.Singh visited Singat, C.C.pur.
inaugurated the Military Civic Action.
- Jewish Mizos left Mizoram for Israel.
- President APJ Abdul Kalam visited Bunglon H/S C.C.Pur
Manipur and Mizoram Universities.
- Mizo Women Boxers; Jenny Lalremliani and Mary Kom
became World champions.
- Tipaimukh Dam’s foundation inaugurated by the Union
Power Minister
- Modern world dictator Saddam Hussein of Iraq hanged.
- Bru National Libration Front Surrendered
- Pioneer Mizo Singer and Writer of her own caliber Padma Shree Lalsangzuali Sailo died and Padma Shree R.Vanlawma also died.
- Hmar Gospel Singer Lalruotmawi of Rengkai, CCPur became popular in Mizoram through the “Mizoram for Christ Crusade” by the New Life Ministry.
- The Fourth Mautam begins.

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